Safety | Security

Between 2000 and 2018, the FBI recorded and analyzed 277 active shooter incidents in the United States. Of those, 43% were related to places of business and commerce.

Active Shooters 2000 – 2018

Gun violence makes the news, but the reality is workplace violence happens daily without the use of a gun, law enforcement involvement, and very often, without management awareness.

Involved A Business

The media headlines favor splashy features of schools and public buildings, but the reality is that a significant population of events occurs within small and medium sized business.

No Pedestrian Traffic

A low number is not good news. This number indicates that the vast majority of workplace violence incidents are internal and not related to public access to the workplace.

Safety & Security are best thought of as two sides of the same coin.

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Safety is generally considered as freedom from internal (to the business) causes of loss or injury.

Workplace Safety

  • personal protective equipment is worn as appropriate
  • introduce a detailed workplace violence policy
  • the FBI and FEMA offer free workshops and resources


Security is generally considered as the freedom from the risk of loss or injury as the result of external threats

Workplace Security

  • understand the risks; be open to change
  • secure the workspace (access control)
  • implement and practice an emergency response plan